What do Dharma Statements look like?

Dharma’s statements are generated monthly, and are easy to read. You can also download past monthly statements through your free online portal! All statements will clearly show interchange fees along with Dharma margins.

Easy to read, easy to understand

Dharma statements are easy to read, and will be mailed to you monthly, if you desire. You can have statements sent to your DBA address, or the corporate address on file if it exists. Here’s a sample statement with a few explanations of terms:

  1. The statement will always show the date range it pertains to.
  2. Your unique Merchant ID will always be displayed, so that you can differentiate between multiple accounts.
  3. Total fees charged will be shown on the first page, and will then be detailed in following pages.
  4. A summary of all transactions (broken down by card type) will appear next, to show your gross amounts submitted.
  5. A summary of all underlying interchange fees, to show the “base costs” of all sales you processed.

All of the details, so you stay in the know

The following pages will contain further details and breakdowns of deposits and fees charged:

6. This section will show all processing fees. Your fee breakdown will always include line items for interchange fees, card association fees, as well as Dharma’s margins.

7. Miscellaneous fees will reflect your batch header and Dharma Monthly Fee.

8. The Summary of Batches will show a breakdown of all submitted sales, by day.

9. The final section will give a running tally of all processed volume, which will be subsequently reported to the IRS per federal law.